Sunday, August 7, 2011

Keep the Sabbath Holy - that's God's special day. HEY!

When I was a teenager I went to this great camp in Evart, Michigan called Spring Hill. ( )  Amidst being thrown off the blob and horseback riding I was privileged on several occasions to hear an impactful speaker Brett Ray ( ).

One of the things that always stuck with me was when Brett talked about "Yay God" day.  Brett kept the Sabbath with his family.  Since he was a traveling speaker his weekends were often tied up.  Their "Yay God" day was on Mondays.  Those days were restful family days.  He said they'd do family movies together and go out to eat.  A family tradition for them was that whenever one member said "1, 2, 3" the rest of the family would yell "Yay God" (even out in public) - hence the "Yay God" day.

As a teenager this was something I latched onto.  I always dreamed of "Yay God" days with my family.  It took a while to implement this once I became a mom.  Honestly, I was overwhelmed by the logistics of implementing a Sabbath day of rest.  With a little planning we've been having our own "Yay God" days for about a month.

The point of this blog is to be an inspiration to other families to start their own "Yay God" days.  Let's link up.  Share our stories.  Talk about how God supernaturally blesses these days and then also the rest of the week because we have followed His command.  Let's share make-ahead recipes and pictures of our families enjoying each other on these days of rest.

While most Christian families across the country share the sentiment "Do not kill" I think keeping the Sabbath is a little less main stream.  I am a mom of three little ones.  My husband works the typical 9 - 5 with the occasional travel days.  We are dealing with the endless loads of laundry, crushed chex on the carpet, 3 kids worth of poopy diapers (MIL is slacking on potty training the oldest because she broke her wrist), and 6 foot tall weeds but I believe that no matter what stage of life you are in God will help you make this work for your family.

1, 2, 3
Yay God!

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